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The Whit

"The Whit staff believes that if a pro sports league is not willing to support change in protecting athletes, then universities should." - Graphic / Yaz Shaughnessy

Editorial: Universities need to protect student-athletes from CTE

The Whit Staff April 10, 2024

Former National Hockey League (NHL) player Chris Simon tragically took his own life on March 18, 2024. In 2017, Simon filed for bankruptcy due to not being able to work because of the physical toll that...

App Armor will be a mobile service provided by Rowan Public Safety. - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Public safety developing App Armor to aid in student safety

Ryan Schaller March 6, 2024

Safety is one of the top priorities of college students. At Rowan University, the Office of Emergency Management and the Department of Public Safety are developing an application to aid in called App...

Rampulla poses with her safety app in New York City. - Photo via Siena Rampulla

PULLATracker officially launches March 1 for all Rowan students

Madison Miller February 28, 2024

Rowan MBA student, Siena Rampulla was a victim of a home break in the spring of 2022. For many 20-year-old women, this would have been isolating and could have the potential to put a dent in their collegiate...

Rowan’s Office of Students Equity and Compliance (OSEC) reminded students of resources on campus for stalking victims due to National Stalking Awareness Month. - Graphic via Rowan Announcer

Rowan OSEC recognizes twentieth annual National Stalking Awareness Month

Abigail Twiford January 31, 2024

January of 2024 marked the twentieth annual National Stalking Awareness Month, which draws attention to the issue of stalking, its warning signs, and the various forms it can take.  In honor of this,...

Paige Britt happily showing off her safety-alarm keychain. - Opinion Editor / Sylent Michaels

Britt: Female students should learn self-defense

Paige Britt January 31, 2024

During my senior year of high school, once each of my close friends had gotten their license, we each got each other safety alarms to put on our keychains. The excitement of this milestone was shadowed...

Students learn self defense in Rape Aggression Defense course offered at Rowan. - Photo via Laura Gage

Rowan University ranks third in reported crime amongst NJ college campuses

Paige Britt January 31, 2024

A recent report from showed that Rowan University had the third highest amount of reported crimes compared to other NJ colleges between 2019 and 2020. has a searchable...

A shooting and a stabbing occurred on Halloweekend which resulted in a new initiative called Party Patrol where more police will be present on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. - Previous Multimedia Editor / Nicholas Feldman

Gloucester and Rowan law enforcement comment on Halloweekend crime

Abigail Twiford November 9, 2023

A shooting and stabbing occurred on different days and at separate locations off campus over the weekend leading up to Halloween. Both incidents are being actively investigated.  According to...

Glassboro Police Department’s efforts is deploying “Party Patrols,” which are groups of officers who patrol every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. - Graphics Editors / Julia Quennessen

Glassboro PD deploys “Party Patrol” after shooting & stabbing over Halloweekend

Sarah Shockey November 8, 2023

This past Halloween weekend, Glassboro residents and Rowan students were alerted about violent incidents that occurred near campus, with stabbings and gunshots reported.  There was a reported...

PULLATracker Founder and CEO, Siena Rampulla poses in the event photo booth. - Photo via Siena Rampulla

Students test up-and-coming women’s safety app PULLATracker at “Brunch and Beta Testing” event

Abigail Twiford September 27, 2023

College campuses have never been the safest places, especially for young women. With all of the different people milling around at any given time, it is impossible for an administration to ever ensure...

After students expressed wanting more details in Rowan Alerts and Timely Warning, the most recent one was more descriptive although the correlation between complaints and this email is undetermined. Graphic Editors / Julia Quennessen

Rowan issues more detailed Timely Warning after student shot with BB gun

Madison Miller April 12, 2023

A Rowan student was recently shot with a BB gun off campus just a block away from school grounds, according to the most recent Rowan Timely Warning.  The student did not report any injuries, suspects,...

President Ali Houshman shares his future plans at University Assembled. - News Intern / Madison Miller

New safety measures, expansion and teaching styles presented at University Assembled

Madison Miller April 5, 2023

On Friday, March 31, students, faculty and staff gathered in the Eynon Ballroom with President Dr. Ali Houshmand and his team to discuss new university policies, news and developments. Houshmand also...

This is one of the vehicles with Wags Wheels decals that delivers Rowan students to various destinations. - Photo / Dillion Wagner

From friendly favor to student tech startup, rideshare service Wags Wheels will launch Rowan-only app

Madison Miller February 1, 2023

Popular rideshare services like Uber and Lyft can be useful for college students that may not have a ride home from a party, or from class on a rainy day; but, what if there was a service that existed...

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