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The Whit

The statue of Henry Rowan stands outside Savitz Hall, an administrative building on campus where the Office of Financial Aid is located. - File Photo / Amanda Palma

Rowan University Decreases Maximum Merit Aid for Incoming Freshmen

Tara Lonsdorf March 17, 2021

The incoming Rowan class of 2025 will no longer be able to cover full tuition with merit scholarships. Maximum merit aid available to incoming freshmen is now $10,000 per academic year and cannot be exceeded...

Statue of Henry Rowan outside Savitz Hall. - File Photo / Miguel Martinez

Rowan SGA Senate Meeting Reveals Potential Freeze on Tuition

Corey Rothauser February 10, 2021

On Monday, Feb. 8, Rowan University's Student Government Association (SGA) held its bi-weekly Senate hearing. Student Trustee Kyle Perez provided a recap of last week's board of trustee's Budget and...

Kevin McCarthy speaking during an SGA Senate meeting with SGA President Arielle Gedeon in the background - Photo via / Alexander Heller

SGA Senate Meeting Highlights New Scholarships for Students

Alexia Berenger November 11, 2020

The Student Government Association (SGA) Senate meeting on Monday, Nov. 9, which began at 7 p.m., was called to order by President Arielle Gedeon, who welcomed students, administrators and faculty. The...

The owl statue near Robinson Hall at Rowan's Glassboro Campus. - File Photo / Miguel Martinez

SGA Senate Meeting Highlights “Can the Van” and Rowan Red Cross Club

Lindsey D’Ambrosio November 4, 2020

The Rowan Student Government Association (SGA) met remotely on Monday, Oct. 26 for their bi-weekly senate meeting. According to Assistant Vice President of Public Relations and Special Events Camryn...

Kevin McCarthy speaking during an SGA Senate meeting with SGA President Arielle Gedeon in the background - Photo via / Alexander Heller

SGA Reveals $153 Million Operating Budget

Corey Rothauser September 23, 2020

The Student Government Association (SGA) held its second meeting of the year remotely on Monday. They announced the reinstatements of three board of trustee positions and the approval of Rowan's 2021...

Screenshot from the virtual SGA Senate meeting on Sep. 14, 2020 - News Editor / Corey Rothauser

SGA Holds First Virtual Senate Meeting

Corey Rothauser September 16, 2020

Rowan's Student Government Association (SGA) welcomed its senators back with a new, drastically different environment to conduct business in, but it is one that offers new opportunities. SGA has never...

The owl statue near Robinson Hall at Rowan's Glassboro Campus. - File Photo / Miguel Martinez

Letter to the Editor: Response to ‘Why is SGA asking students for scholarship money?’

Letter to the Editor March 4, 2020

Editor's Note: This letter is written by current members of SGA in response to a Feb. 12 editorial written by the entire Whit staff. Digital media has grown quickly throughout the years and with great...

Rowan Gives Day tracked how much money was donated throughout the event. In total, $112,692.01 was raised for the event. -Staff Photo/ Justin Decker

Rowan Gives Day garners donations from students, alumni, faculty and others

Mackenzie Fitchett March 6, 2018

This past Thursday, March 1, Rowan University held its Fourth Annual RowanGIVES Day. In 24-hours $112,692 was donated to 106 areas across all three of Rowan’s campuses, making it the most successful...

Contestants chow down on hot wings at Rowan University’s Wing Wars at Chickie’s and Pete’s on October 24th, 2017. -Photo Editor/Nicole Mingo

Editorial: Rowan continues to demonstrate its commitment to affordable education

The Whit Staff November 15, 2017

Financial aid at college is never perfect. FAFSAs report back that a family does not get as much assistance as anticipated. A student loan from the bank doesn't go through. College isn't necessarily affordable....

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