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Dr. David MacMillian speaks at the second part of his Centennial Lecture Series on "The Development of Asymmetric Organocatalysis and Metallaphotoredox. - Staff Writer / Maryela Gallardo

Nobel Prize winner David MacMillian visits Rowan University as a part of the Centennial Lecture Series

Maryela Gallardo February 21, 2024

A Nobel Prize recipient and an honored chemist visited Rowan University’s Chamberlain Student Center on Feb. 16, in the Eynon Ballroom. Dr. David MacMillian spoke in a two-part Centennial Lecture Series,...

"The job she plans on looking for after graduation would be something along the lines of creating a tear sheet for someone at the doctor’s office who’s there for surgery, but they want to know more about it, that’s where Dory would come in." - Photos via Dory's Instagram.

Artistry with a purpose: Isabel Dory blends creativity & science in biomedical art

Braijon Williams February 14, 2024

Biomedical art and visualizations major, Isabel Dory has always been creative and imaginative. She gets it from her parents who were creative in their ways. Her mom was a musician, and her dad was an...

Fry Street Quartet & Dr. Robert Davies take the stage for the Rising Tide: The Crossroads Project - Photo via Rowan Preforming Arts Instagram

The Crossroads Project promotes environmental action in Pfleeger Hall

Matthew Hall September 27, 2023

On Sept. 22 in Pfleeger Hall, The Crossroads Project took center stage to put on their concerto-infused science presentation for the students of Rowan. As audience members, both students and teachers...

Panels set up across Eynon ballroom for attendees to learn from them. - Staff Writer / Maryela Gallardo

Rowan’s second annual ArtSci Symposium aims to bridge gap between science and the public

Maryela Gallardo March 29, 2023

Students, professors and alumni joined panelists and judges to experience Rowan University's second annual ArtSci Symposium, held on March 13 in the Enyon Ballroom. The event featured panels from 15 students...

Lacovara discusses the impact of Charles Darwin with guests at Words Matter Bookstore in Pitman, New Jersey. - Editor-in-Chief / Berry Andres

Rowan’s School of Earth and Environment celebrate “Darwin Day”

Berry Andres February 21, 2023

With streamers, balloons and finch paraphernalia lining the walls, doctor of paleontology Kenneth Lacovara and 40 other guests gathered to celebrate one of the biggest events in science — Charles Darwin’s...

The groundbreaking discovery was made by professor and Founding Chair of the Department of Environmental Science, Dr. Beth Christensen. - Photo via Pixabay.

New Study by Rowan Faculty Enhances Understanding of Ancient Ocean Currents

Aedan Rosolia October 27, 2021

It's not every day that scientific discoveries are made that completely change our current perception of the world. This current and groundbreaking discovery had its roots in none other than Glassboro,...

Lakeside view of the coming Jean & Ric Edelman Fossil Park Museum. / Photo by Ennead Architects/KSS

New $73 Million 65-acre Fossil Park Museum Coming to Rowan

Leah Gallagher October 19, 2021

How much do you know about South Jersey’s dinosaur-laden past? Thanks to Rowan’s new Fossil Park Museum, you will be able to learn so much more. Groundbreak for the museum began on Oct. 9 in Mantua...

Chad Bruner, Chairman of the Board of Trustees (far right), President, Dr. Ali Houshmand (next), Dean of the School of Earth and Environment, Dr. Kenneth Lacovara (next), Dean of Science and Mathematics, Dr. Vojislava Pophristic (far left) get ready to cut the ribbon at Discovery Hall. - Multimedia Editor / Alex Rossen

Ribbon Cutting Symbolizes Official Opening of Discovery Hall

Natalie Arch September 15, 2021

Discovery Hall hosted their ribbon cutting on Sept. 14, at 10 a.m. The 1st floor flooded with attendees excited to witness the official opening of The university’s $46.7 million dollar building.  When...

"Opticks" is a stainless steel and alumnium sculpture created by Beth Nybeck using the handwritten notes from Rowan engineering students as reference. It is meant to convey a student's head being filled with mathematical knowledge. - Photo from Rowan University Public Art Libraries.

Lonsdorf: STEM Majors, Consider Joining Student Publications

Tara Lonsdorf February 10, 2021

One of the most unique parts of my Rowan experience has been spending four years on The Whit - with three years as a full editor and one as an editor-in-chief - while never formally studying journalism....

- Image courtesy of SciTechEuropa

Lonsdorf: Dismantling the myth of the Empowered Woman in STEM

Tara Lonsdorf November 21, 2019

When you’re a woman in a field dominated by men, there are expectations all around. Sure, it may be 2019, but there are still sexist men who expect you to fail. There are a lot of people who think of...

Former planetarium director Keith Johnson stands with students inside the Edelman planetarium. -Photo courtesy of Rowan University, provided by Keith Johnson

The Edelman Planetarium has an out-of-this-world repertoire of events

Kalie VanDewater November 4, 2019

At some point or another, we have all been interested in space. Whether we wanted to be an astronaut when we were children or just think stars are cool, space has been a source of inspiration and intrigue...

The entrance to Edelmen Planetarium within Science Hall- File photo / Lindsey D’Ambrosio

Editorial: Is STEM really more difficult than the humanities or social sciences?

The Whit Staff September 19, 2019

We've all heard the claim that students studying science, technology, engineering or math fields (STEM) are either smarter or harder workers. There's this idea that a STEM degree is more important...

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