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The Whit

"Reagan is on a mission to achieve a grand feeling of unity within the student body during her year on the presidential seat." - Photo via Brianna Reagan

Meet Brianna Reagan: Your new SGA class president

Nigel Pala April 12, 2023

Rowan University’s Student Government Association (SGA) is due for changes next fall, and among them is the introduction of the new class president. Stepping in to fill the big role is the self-proclaimed...

Executive Vice President Emily Lowe goes over Series 2 at an SGA information session. - Photo / Abigail Twiford

SGA Series 2 Elections: Here’s what you need to know

Abigail Twiford March 22, 2023

The Student Government Association's (SGA) Series 2 election applications opened on March 1. The application gives students the opportunity to run for seats on the SGA Executive Board for the academic...

SGA elections will take place until March 6 at 11:45 p.m. - Photo / Rowan University

Meet the candidates running in this year’s SGA elections

Nigel Pala March 2, 2023

Student government elections are well underway and candidates have kicked off their campaigning processes through social media and on campus. In an effort to put a voice to the faces on posters across...

A guide to Rowan's SGA's election season

A guide to Rowan’s SGA’s election season

Nigel Pala February 15, 2023

Rowan University’s Student Government Association’s election process is underway and all students are encouraged to apply and make their voices heard. The upcoming race is a Series One election,...

Arielle Gedeon, left, speaks during "meet the candidate" at the student center pit. Multimedia Editor / Mike Reina

Meet the Candidates: SGA Hosts Q&A with Future Board Members

Corey Rothauser March 11, 2020
President Arielle Gedeon and her opponent Ray Wos at "Meet the Candidates" in the Student Center. - Multimedia Editor / Michael Reina
SGA Presidential candidates (from left to right) Michael J. Webster, Chad Hinson,  and Arielle Gedeon, speak at Rowan SGA meeting on Monday in the Student Center Ballroom. Multimedia Editor / Miguel Martinez.

SGA votes down constitutional proposal, hosts ‘Meet the Candidates’ night for president and vice president

Alexander Heller March 13, 2019

Business was smooth sailing in the Eynon Ballroom Monday night as Student Government Association Senate members finally addressed series three of the constitution in regards to the election process. For...

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SGA elections