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The Whit

The Whit

The Whit

-Graphics Editor/Amanda Palma

Andujar: For crowding out loud

Suzette Andujar March 6, 2019

I don’t usually go to the mall on Saturday nights – correction, I don’t go to the mall on Saturday nights ever. I love the mall, don’t get me wrong, I mean shopping is the best; however, I don’t...

With the COVID-19 pandemic, most classes at Rowan have been held virtually. The university announced a transition to holding more in-person classes starting this week. - Flickr / Kevin Dooley

Commuter Life: Social anxiety doesn’t need to ruin the college experience

Breanna Ruiz April 12, 2017

“Oh my god, I have, like, no friends.” I’ve heard it. You’ve heard it. Hey, maybe you’re guilty of saying it. Regardless, this line is about as overused as “Netflix and chill” and comparing...

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