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Sawant is a member of the Seattle City Council and was the first open socialist elected to the council in over 100 years. She spoke with Rowan Progressives about her current situation in Seattle politics. - Photo via / Shannon Kringen, Creative Commons

Rowan Progressives Host Seattle City Council Member Kshama Sawant About Socialism, Politics

Jaimie McCormick April 7, 2021

Rowan Progressives hosted “An Evening with Kshama Sawant” online on Wednesday, March 31. The event was exclusive to students and featured a lecture from Sawant followed by a Q&A session. Sawant...

-Photo from

Letter to the Editor: Community thoughts regarding socialism in America

Letter to the Editor October 2, 2019

To The Editor: With all due respect to my fellow Americans, most of us simply don't seem to know that a "Liberal/Progressive" is not the same thing as a "Socialist." This includes the Democratic Party...

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D’Agostino: Socialism denies these four basic human rights

Santino J. D’Agostino November 21, 2017

According to Dave Nammo over at National Review, a poll reveals that a whopping roughly 40% of Americans favor socialism over capitalism. Forty percent. Four out of ten people, favoring the ideology...

Voice of Free Thinkers: Socialism is not scary

Anthony Messina February 24, 2016

Politics, over the last decade, have made an unprecedented, polarizing shift. The party lines of Democrats and Republicans have become more and more distinct. The election of 2012 saw the beginnings of...

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