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The Whit

The timely warning system notifies students of crime on and around campus. - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Stabbing on Mick Drive and Victoria Street elicits concerns from Rowan students

Sarah Shockey & Marchella Mazzoni February 21, 2024

Early in the morning of Friday, Feb. 16, a timely warning was sent out to members of the Rowan community detailing a violent incident that occurred a few hours prior to the message being sent out. According...

A shooting and a stabbing occurred on Halloweekend which resulted in a new initiative called Party Patrol where more police will be present on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. - Previous Multimedia Editor / Nicholas Feldman

Gloucester and Rowan law enforcement comment on Halloweekend crime

Abigail Twiford November 9, 2023

A shooting and stabbing occurred on different days and at separate locations off campus over the weekend leading up to Halloween. Both incidents are being actively investigated.  According to...

Glassboro Police Department’s efforts is deploying “Party Patrols,” which are groups of officers who patrol every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. - Graphics Editors / Julia Quennessen

Glassboro PD deploys “Party Patrol” after shooting & stabbing over Halloweekend

Sarah Shockey November 8, 2023

This past Halloween weekend, Glassboro residents and Rowan students were alerted about violent incidents that occurred near campus, with stabbings and gunshots reported.  There was a reported...

"The stabbing that occurred was in the direct pathway I walk every Tuesday morning for my class in Bozorth Hall. I actually skipped class this past Tuesday in fear of walking through this area, I gave myself a headache stressing over this." - Multimedia Editor / Drew Peltzman

Michaels: How off campus is off campus?

Sylent Lee Michaels November 1, 2023

The Whit staff members have written at least five articles about the vague Rowan Alert articles students often receive. This piece is not an opinion about the Rowan Alert system, but rather a discussion...

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