On March 8, the Annual CASE (Center for Access, Success & Equity) Summit took place on Zoom for just shy of five hours. The theme of the summit was “The State of Equity and Access in Education.”
Since its creation in 2010, Instagram has evolved from a space where users could keep up with friends and local acquaintances in their free time, to a platform where million-dollar careers have been born....
The Rowan University Women's Alliance will host “The Other Side of Jean Edelman” on Wednesday September 15. It’ll be a virtual event on Webex to follow COVID-19 health and safety protocols.
It’s no question at this point that The Whit does exemplary work. We’ve won awards for our work; we’ve been linked to by the New York Times; we conduct investigations to bring important topics to...
Jeff Hickman has been with the Walt Disney World company for 22 years, currently working as Disney's college and international recruitment manager. Hickman landed his dream job by working hard and networking...
It is often said that you never know what you have until it’s gone. As cliché and overused as the phrase my seem, I find it eerily relevant in the current day, where hundreds of thousands of students...
Delivering The Whit each week brings us to all of the academic buildings on campus, and it gives us the unique opportunity to get a glimpse into the academic lives of all students, whatever their program...
While every school year brings its unique challenges, this particular semester has met the Rowan community with obstacles we never before had to consider. Clearly, the challenges in question are related...
As college students, it feels like we’re supposed to have everything figured out.
We’re in school spending thousands of dollars on an education that many of us have been told is the only way to...
In light of recent events, Rowan THRIVE has been mentioned often, thrown around like a game of catch. Despite the recent publicity the program has received, many in the community still don’t fully understand...
What does it take for you to get motivated?
Competition? Money? Free Food? Perhaps existential boredom?
There are some seven billion people on this planet, all with their own unique skills and...
College is a time in many of our lives where it appears we can't afford to fail. Failure has always been seen as a negative trait in American culture. Even at the very beginning of our lives, the thought...