I write opinion articles for a newspaper. You will be hard-pressed to find someone who complains as much as I do, considering I spend my time thinking about stuff that irritates me enough to write about...
A feast including mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and tacos were just a few of the food choices available to graduate students who gathered in room 241 of the Engineering Hall on Thursday, Nov. 22.
Katie Thorn, Productions Editor
• December 4, 2024
We gathered around the table. We stuffed our faces. We shared laughs and reflected on stories. Like millions of families across the globe, my family came together on Nov. 28 to celebrate Thanksgiving....
With Thanksgiving around the corner, The Whit wants to reflect on what the university does to create a family-friendly environment on campus.
The campus has a great number of resources for students...
The Shop’s “Adopt-a-Family” program works to provide students with proper Thanksgiving meals.
In the spirit of the holiday season, The SHOP, Rowan’s on-campus food pantry and resource center,...
Let me just start off by saying Thanksgiving is one of the greatest holidays ever, from the food to football (go Commanders), you really just can’t get much better vibes from a holiday. Both of my parents...
Have you ever taken a moment to appreciate how lucky you are to have the opportunities to learn every day at your college, to often be taught by renowned professionals in your field of study?
I love spending money. It is one of my favorite things to do. I fight urges to go shopping and buy clothes I don’t need. I’ve been through the trends of Amazon and Shein, scrolling through hauls worth...
It was like clockwork. When the clock struck midnight and it was officially Nov. 1st, Halloween went out the door and it was like a switch flipped in everyone’s brain around the country that Halloween...
This will be my third year spending Thanksgiving with an apron on, all black, and nothing but Red Bull in my system. Spending Thanksgiving waiting tables has become my own personal tradition of the holiday...
I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! Somehow, Christmas is already around the corner.
With the NFL hogging the Thanksgiving games every year, the NBA loves to hog the Christmas slate. But, we’ll...
More than 34 million people in the US are food insecure, according to Feeding America. This number does not exclude Rowan students and with Thanksgiving on Nov. 24, many of these students will be looking...