After 15 years, The CW’s "Supernatural," one of the longest running sci-fi fantasy television series of all time, has ended. Following brothers Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) Winchester...
After the rather surprising loss of a team member in last week’s episode, “Blood Ties” shows our team of not-so-heroes in the immediate aftermath.
We see Rip Hunter [Arthur Darvill] in Ancient...
The war rages on.
In this week’s installment of “Arrow” we were given some much-needed development with wheelchair-bound, tech-genius Felicity Smoak [Emily Bett Rickards] as well as the relationship...
"DC’s Legends of Tomorrow" follows Rip Hunter [Arthur Darvill], a rogue time traveler from the future who assembles a team of heroes and villains from both the "Arrow" and "The Flash" television shows,...