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Money graphic. - Graphics Editor / Brendan Cohen

Tuition sees almost 7% increase at Board of Trustees hearing

Dan Hassall, Staff Writer March 12, 2025

At the Board of Trustees’ annual tuition hearing on March 11, the board confirmed a rise in tuition and fees for the 2025-2026 school year.  “Tuition for undergraduate students will increase by...

Sophie Ogunsanmi speaks to the Board of Trustees about her concerns with potential tuition increase. - Staff Writer / Paige Britt

Potential 5 percent tuition increase raises concerns for students at public tuition hearing

Paige Britt April 17, 2024

On April 10, Rowan University’s Board of Trustees held a public hearing for the fiscal year 2025 tuition rates, revealing that tuition for undergraduate students and medical students could potentially...

"We are the teachers, professional staff, librarians, and coaches of the university. Without us, there is no teaching or learning at Rowan" said Joseph Basso. - Photo / Rowan University Student Affairs Blog

Letter to the Editor: Rowan fails to explain the entirety of why tuition increased

Joseph Basso May 22, 2023

As the president of the local chapter of the American Federation of Teachers union at Rowan University, I was surprised, and disappointed, at a statement that appeared in the April 26 issue...

"2021 to 2023, Rowan University’s tuition has increased by 4%." - Previous Photo Editor/Amanda Palma

Editorial: Tuition has risen, what does that mean for Rowan students?

The Whit Staff April 27, 2023

Rowan's tuition has increased once again. What does that mean for the students who are paying for it? Looking at tuition and fees alone, from 2021 to 2023, Rowan University’s tuition has increased...

President Ali Houshmand contract has been extended as president of the university till at least June 30, 2029.  - Photo via Rowan University

Board Tuition Hearing glosses over tuition increases and announces President Houshmand’s contract extension

Connor Brown April 26, 2023

At the end of the spring semester Board of Trustees meeting, members briefly touched on the upcoming tuition cost increase, while also announcing a contract extension for President Ali Houshmand and the...

Rowan Univeristy hosted their ninth annual Day of Giving. - Photo via Rowan University

Ninth Annual Rowan Day of Giving raises over $300K

Elena Laughton March 22, 2023

The cost of college is not cheap, but tuition dollars only go so far. A large amount of funding for projects and programs on campus come from what students pay each semester, but donations also play a...

Photo via Rowan University Student Government Association.

SGA Accountability Policy, Chief of Staff and 2023 Budget Leads to Mistrust With Students

Victoria McGivern September 29, 2022

Editor's Note: This article is written by both Editor-in-Chief Berry Andres & staff writer Victoria Schriver-McGivern but due to an error on WordPress, both authors are not listed. Following several...

Photo via Rowan University

Rowan U. Students Face a 4% Tuition Hike in Response to Salary Costs and Inflation

Gianna Malgieri September 14, 2022

In 2022, only two of New Jersey’s 27 four-year colleges did not raise the cost of tuition and fees from last year. Rowan University was not one of those two, so Profs can expect a 4% increase from the...

Photo of President Ali Houshmand, who recently announced a tuition freeze for the 2021-2022 academic year. - Staff Photographer / Miguel Martinez.

Rowan University Freezes Tuition at Board of Trustees Meeting

Corey Rothauser February 17, 2021

On February 17, the Rowan University Board of Trustees held a tuition hearing, where Rowan University President Ali Houshmand announced a tuition freeze for the 2021-2022 academic year, identical to the...

The owl statue near Robinson Hall at Rowan's Glassboro Campus. - File Photo / Miguel Martinez

Editorial: Why is SGA asking students for scholarship money?

The Whit Staff February 12, 2020

On Jan. 2, Profs with senior standing received an email from Drew Tinnin, Associate Vice President for Student Life, though the signature was from Jenna Day, SGA's AVP of University Advancement. The body...

-Photo from

Daniels: College textbooks are a burden on our bank accounts

Jeremiah Daniels March 26, 2018

Ever since my freshman year at Rowan, the beginning of the semester has always been a hassle for me. It’s that time of the year where college textbooks find themselves burning a hole through my wallet. When...

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