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The Whit

The Whit

The Whit

"P.S., whatever you do, PLEASE, don’t smash any jack-o-lanterns," - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Mischief Night right in your backyard

We’re all familiar with the category of things that are specific to New Jersey, north or south. Pork roll (Taylor Ham), hoagies, WaWa, and even books dedicated to the strange histories of NJ. Along...

The investigation of the incidents is currently ongoing. -Photo via MacKenzie Garrett.

Two Cars Vandalized Close to Campus

Owen O’Brien November 29, 2021

Several weeks ago, Rowan senior MacKenzie Garrett discovered a vandalized car on the second floor of the Rowan Boulevard parking garage. The white Volkswagen had a smashed-in windshield and showed clear...

Editorial: Vandalism is not political speech, it’s embarrassing

The Whit Staff February 15, 2017

Protests, outcry and vandalism have marked the first few weeks of 2017 - across the country, as well as at Rowan University. Apparent dissatisfaction with the state of American politics has led to responses...

Vandalism strikes Holly Pointe Commons

Eric Conklin September 21, 2016

Rowan students woke up Friday, Sept. 16 with an email in their student email accounts regarding recent vandalism on campus. Assistant Vice President for Residential Learning and Inclusion Programs Travis...

Chestnut Hall, location of the new Freshman Dorms - Former Editor-in-Chief/ Kyle Sullender

More Swastika graffiti spurs administration involvement

Ethan Stoetzer December 15, 2015

Two additional occurrences of Swastikas and other anti-Semitic graffiti were reported in Chestnut Hall, this past weekend, according to Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students Richard Jones....

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