Iconic American singers, silent film actresses, knighted artists, chefs well-versed in French cuisine, young girls on adventures in Wonderland, and Greek goddesses and muses each find themselves a home...
In the bustling realm of college life, where academic pursuits typically take center stage, a new and distinct melody is reverberating through the halls and dorms of Rowan, specifically Holly Pointe Commons....
On the evening of Feb. 16, jazz appreciators from all across South Jersey assembled in Pfleeger Concert Hall to witness the culmination of Rowan University’s 54th Annual Jazz Festival: a tribute concert...
On Dec. 2, Rowan’s Concert Choir held “A Gospel Celebration” in Pfleeger Concert Hall at 7:30 p.m. Conducted by Director of Choral Activities Christopher Thomas, the two-act performance consisted...
On Nov. 17th and 18th in the Pfleeger Concert Hall, the Rowan Opera Company put on “Romance Beauty Tragedy Comedy.” Under the direction of Marian Striber, the student cast performed works by famous...
More than 53 years after the English rock band The Beatles broke up, they have reunited to release what is being dubbed...
On Monday, Nov. 6, high school students from across the region gathered in Wilson Hall for the first-ever Music Shadow Day. Hosted by the College of Performing Arts, students interested in pursuing a...
On Oct. 18, 650 high school students gathered in Pfleeger Concert Hall for the annual Tenor & Bass Festival. An event that first kicked off at Rowan in 2008 welcomes tenors and basses from across...
Rowan's Profecy A Cappella recently traveled to Briarcrest Christian School in Tennessee for the OneVoice A Capella Invitational, which took place Jan. 20 to 21. Hosted by Briarcrest's own a capella group,...
It's easy to dwell on differences between generations. The division between the young and old is obvious, and often the catalyst for the swing of the cultural pendulum. Herein lies the value of commonalities...
For many musicians, live performances are an art form that must be developed and nurtured to advance their careers. A musician can genuinely share their work with others through performing. Many performers...