Known for his striking visuals and for exploring themes like grief or AI in previous films like Annihilation or Ex-Machina, Alex Garland has decided to tackle American Culture in his latest historical-fiction...
Rowan Progressives
For the last two months, the world has looked on in horror at what is happening in Gaza. Bombs and rockets coming from the sky, indiscriminately murdering thousands of innocent...
The war between Israel and Hamas forces broke out on Oct. 7th, leaving behind a trail of bloodshed and worldwide objection in its path. This war has initiated discussions regarding proper approaches to...
With the ongoing Israel-Hamas War, emotional tension continues to rise within the Rowan University community. Universities nationwide, such as Harvard, have put out statements about the conflict. It is...
In an era where information flows like a river, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict serves as a sobering reminder of the severe repercussions of spreading misinformation on the internet, and not knowing...
I am not going to use the words “Jewish” or “Muslim” for the rest of this article. Discussion of this topic becomes much less inflammatory when identity isn’t the focus. This is not permission...
Editor's Note: We previously referred to the memoir as a "novel," which would imply that it is fiction, which it is not.
Sam Starnes, an adjunct professor at Rowan who has taught creative writing...
As a reaction to Saturday’s attack on scores of Israeli civilians near the Gaza Strip by the terrorist group Hamas, Rowan's chapter of Chabad, a world-renowned Jewish organization, created a “rally...