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The Whit

The Whit

"The discussion kicked off with an ice breaker that asked the men in attendance to share the last time they truly felt at peace and some insight into what was going on." - Staff Writer / Michael Bautista

Men of Color Alliance hold event to destigmatize men’s mental health conversations

Michael Bautista, Staff Writer February 25, 2025

Over 30 men of diverse and ethnic backgrounds sat in a half-circle on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at the Men of Color Alliance’s (MOCA) Men’s Mental Health Discussion. With steady voices, they let their guard...

The Wellness Center at Rowan University. - Features Editor / Paige Britt

Suicide prevention resources available through the Wellness Center

Erik Gil, Staff Writer October 2, 2024

September was National Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide has claimed the lives of many individuals and creates a chain effect of pain and loss to the families and friends who have felt the loss of it....

Students petting therapy dog Cinder at Wagging Tail Tuesday. - Productions Editor / Sarah Shockey

Therapy dogs extend a helping paw to stressed-out students during Wagging Tail Tuesdays

Sarah Shockey April 24, 2024

With finals week approaching, stress levels among students are on the rise.  To help alleviate student anxiety, the Wellness Center is hosting “Wagging Tail Tuesday” at the Campbell Library for...

"As a college community, we need to work on dismantling this stigma, not only around our own campus but more broadly as well." - Graphic / Brendan Cohen

Twiford: STIs are stigmatized. They shouldn’t be

Abigail Twiford April 10, 2024

April is Sexually Transmitted Disease Awareness Month. For that reason, I want to talk about STIs, more specifically the stigma that comes with them and why they shouldn’t be there. I’m not trying...

“Our role at the wellness center isn’t to be prohibitionists. We’re not anti-drug,” Logan said. “We promote responsible use… The drug we see the most that people are struggling with is cannabis.” - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Wellness center prepares students for 4/20 with t-break series

Braijon Williams April 10, 2024

In April, there’s a certain national day that happens on the 20th every year where, not just students, but anyone who partakes in cannabis celebrates their love for marijuana. This so-called holiday...

"This event has been adapted into various Rowan organizations because of their possibility for students to become more relaxed, and anybody that attended the event held at the Rowan Art Gallery was able to keep them." -  Staff Writer / Maryela Gallardo.

Rowan Art Gallery & Wellness Center team up to combat student stress with Mini Zen Gardens

Maryela Gallardo April 3, 2024

The Rowan Art Gallery & Museum collaborated with the Wellness Center to create mini zen gardens for students to keep. This event was a part of the “Art for Wellness Special” where these two facilities...

HIV graphic. - Graphic / Yaz Shaughnessy

Wellness Center hosts free HIV testing for students

Abigail Twiford March 27, 2024

While many wouldn’t suspect it, when adjusted for population size, New Jersey has the sixth highest rate of HIV in the nation, with 467.8 cases per 100,000 people in the population.  To combat this,...

Statue on Rowan Boulevard is coated in snow after winter storm graces Rowan's campus. - Managing Editor / Abigail Twiford

Ice, slush, and snowy weather welcome students back to campus

Abigail Twiford January 25, 2024

It was bitterly cold throughout South Jersey, cold enough that it was painful for skin to be outside with exposed skin for more than a few minutes. The roads were plowed and salted, but snow was still...

A collage of photos posted by Rowan's SJICR to honor the memory of trans people who were killed this year. - Photo via @rowansjicr on Instagram

Rowan honors Trans Day of Remembrance

Abigail Twiford November 29, 2023

Trans Day of Remembrance is held every year on Nov. 20 to remember the lives of trans and gender nonconforming people who have been murdered in the year prior. The day was created in 1999 by advocate...

Students learn about mental health coping mechanisms and resources at mental health conference. Mutimedia Editor / Drew Peltzman

Wellness Center hosts annual Student Mental Health Conference

Maryela Gallardo November 15, 2023

The Wellness Center at Rowan University held its sixth annual Student Mental Health Conference. Students who are seeking mental health resources or aid were able to attend this talk to learn more about...

Pictured from top left to bottom right: Shayla Ingram, Lanasia Melvins, Ryn Kenny, Taylor Presbery-Fields, and Alexzia Lyons. - Staff Writer / Paige Britt

Wellness Center hosts Recharge and Connect Retreat

Paige Britt November 15, 2023

“I thought that it would be great to be able to have this retreat where people could take a weekend away, relax, kind of recharge, but also connect with one another in a more meaningful way,” said...

Community gardens outside Willow Hall. - Managing Editor / Abigail Twiford

Editorial: RU excels in opportunities for low-income students

The Whit Staff October 11, 2023

Though it is not new for The Whit Staff to offer Rowan ways to improve life for students, faculty, and the community as a whole, it would be remiss if we did not acknowledge the things that make this...

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