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The Whit

Students enjoy "Paws" for a Break in the Wellness Center. -Graphics Editor/Amands Palma

“Paws for a Break” helps students de-stress

Heather Cunningham September 19, 2018

Coming back to college, starting classe and keeping track of assignments can be a very stressful time for students. Lindsay Johnson, a licensed professional counselor at Rowan University, along with Allie...

Junior history and international studies major Rayner Abreu stands in front of the Wellness Center for the RU OKAY Project. -Photo courtesy of Austin O'Neill

RU OKAY photovoice project brings students together for mental health awareness

Craig Leeming April 4, 2018

The Rowan Wellness Center is a vital resource for all students on campus by either helping hundreds of students feel their best for their next big exam, or by providing seasonal flu shots. However, after...

Winans Hall/the Wellness Center. -Staff Photo/Andrew Turco

Here’s why the Wellness Center is looking for 1300 reasons why to live

Andrew Turco September 13, 2017

The Wellness Center is on a yearlong quest to gather 1,300 reasons to live by April 2017. The new initiative, 1300 Reasons Why Not, helps to continue the discussion about why not to consider suicide. "My...

Winans Hall was the bookstore before Barnes & Noble came along. - Photo copy by Danielle LaSassa

How the Buildings Got Their Names: Chamberlain Student Center and Winans Hall

Danielle LaSassa April 4, 2017

Rowan University has a long history that dates back to 1923 when Glassboro Normal School was founded. Over the years, notable individuals have contributed to the school in countless ways, from donations...

Suspects caught by Rowan Police after assault near Wellness Center

Justin Decker March 1, 2017

Three suspects were identified and arrested by the Rowan University Department of Public Safety after investigations of a robbery, which occurred on Route 322 near Winans Hall on Feb. 5, were conducted,...

Editorial: Rowan alert system keeping students aware, safe

The Whit Staff February 8, 2017

Rowan's alert and advisory systems have been plenty active lately, and the brief texts and emails have kept students safe and informed. When a student threatened another student with a knife inside...

Rowan Wellness Center seeks to expand mental health resources

Ashleigh Albert February 8, 2017

Many students, such as junior writing arts major Antony Copsey, say Rowan's Wellness Center is lacking in its mental health services and believe it is because the university does not have the proper number...

Updated – Rowan Police search for suspects after assault at Wellness Center

Justin Decker February 6, 2017

Updated 2/27 at 22:31-According to a Rowan Advisory email sent to students at 2:47 p.m., the Department of Rowan Public Safety identified and arrested the suspects of a hold-up that occurred outside of...

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