The second installment of the franchise, “Dune: Part Two” brings the second half of Frank Herbert’s iconic 1965 sci-fi novel “Dune” to life, a book that has long been considered the epitome...
When “Euphoria” was first introduced to us in 2019, we met and explored the lives of eight young teenagers. Within each episode, we saw all of their storylines with distinct issues of the different...
The 94th Academy Awards, held on March 27, was truly a night to remember. Celebrities and influencers alike flooded the red carpet to engage in and conduct interviews. Outfits were specially selected...
A $5 ticket was all it took for me to see the new “Dune” movie, starring Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya, based on the 1965 science-fiction novel by Frank Herbert.
After walking up the stairs...
The Emmys award show took place just over a week ago, hosted by late-night talk show personality Jimmy Kimmel.
The show, being the first of the major award shows to be presented during a pandemic,...