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The Whit

The Center for Advancement of Women in Communication. - News Editor / Sarah Shockey

Virtual talk with Melissa Fox dives into stress management strategies

Christopher Otto, Staff Writer March 5, 2025

Rowan University’s Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication hosted a virtual conversation with Melissa Fox, the chief operating officer at Acenda Integrated Health on Feb. 27. The talk...

Online learning platforms allow for some classes to continue during inclement weather. - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Virtual learning challenges “snow day” protocol during first week of classes

Erik Gil January 24, 2024

On Jan. 16, the spring semester commenced at Rowan University with icy roads and inclement weather. Some classes remained in person but other professors opted to use virtual meetings like Zoom to still...

Reporter Leah Gallagher had the opportunity to meet and interview the members of Ninja Sex Party. - Staff Writer / Leah Gallagher

Living a dream: A conversation with Ninja Sex Party

Leah Gallagher April 27, 2023

It was about 11 years ago on a dark and cold night, but in a warm room in some comfy chairs during winter break. My older brother and I were sitting in our game room when he pulled up a YouTube video...

The theme of the CASE summit was “The State of Equity and Access in Education.” - Graphic Editor / Julia Quennessen

Annual CASE Summit focuses on equity and access in education

Bryant Lopez March 22, 2023

On March 8, the Annual CASE (Center for Access, Success & Equity) Summit took place on Zoom for just shy of five hours. The theme of the summit was “The State of Equity and Access in Education.”  The...

This week's editorial discusses the importance of in-person learning. -

Editorial: Why In-Person Learning Should not be Taken for Granted

The Whit Staff April 6, 2022

With all the events happening around the world right now, it seems like the topic we could not escape for two years is starting to vanish from our TV screens and social media feeds-- COVID-19. While...

Henry Winkler reveals how truly humble he is in an exclusive interview with The Whit. / Photo courtesy of Leah Gallagher

Legendary Actor Henry Winkler talks Life and Projects, Past, Present and Future

Leah Gallagher October 6, 2021

“Never meet your heroes” is pretty sound advice. After all, it is not unlikely for people you don’t know and trust to disappoint you.  But I have always had fantastic luck. I’ve met Danny...

Jack Trabucco shares his experience adjusting to online learning in this week's The Student Side. - Photo via

The Student Side: Adjusting to Online Classes

Jack Trabucco March 9, 2021

It is often said that you never know what you have until it’s gone. As cliché and overused as the phrase my seem, I find it eerily relevant in the current day, where hundreds of thousands of students...

In this article, Harkinson explores date and event options for Valentine's Day during the pandemic. -Photo via

Pandemic-Friendly Ways to Spend This Valentine’s Day in Glassboro

Christine Harkinson February 9, 2021

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, let us reminisce about the ways that we once celebrated this special occasion. Maybe we treated ourselves and went out for a fancy, quiet dinner with whomever...

A student walking on campus. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there have been less students walking on campus than we normally see. - File Photo / Miguel Martinez

This Semester Changed How I View Everything

Christine Harkinson December 2, 2020

As we approach the end of the semester and get ready for final exams, we should all take a collective sigh of relief. These past few months have been draining considering we learned material through a...

Students are persevering through a challenging semester that mostly consists of online learning due to COVID-19 restrictions. - Photo via

Online Learning: Perseverance and Perspectives

Lena Cassidy October 7, 2020

To say online learning has been a challenge would be an understatement. Not only has the education system been completely reconstructed, the entire learning process has changed. There’s no more raising...

The Flash "Welcome to Earth-2" Review

The Flash “Welcome to Earth-2” Review

Kevin Howard February 17, 2016

Barry Allen, [Grant Gustin] - aka the Flash - Harrison Wells [Tom Cavanagh] and Cisco [Carlos Valdes] are off to the alternate universe, Earth-2, to save Wells' daughter from Zoom, where what they see...

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