Rowan University provides email reminder about fire safety policy

The Glassboro Fire Department. The fire department is now responding to all fire alarms in Rowan's residence halls. -Photo Editor/Cole Ditzel

The Rowan University student body needs to improve its fire safety.

Wednesday afternoon, the Rowan University student body received an email from Travis Douglas, the assistant vice president for Residential Learning and Inclusion Programs. In the email, Douglas gave students a refresher on fire safety and a reminder of how far the university community still needs to go to improve.

Douglas said that last year on campus, there were 847 violations of the prohibited items policy, as well as 1,113 total fire alarms. One of the most dangerous incidents occurred in Mimosa Hall this past April when the dorm caught on fire, and students failed to evacuate in a timely manner.

In the wake of those incidents on campus, Douglas reminded students of a list of tips to avoid dangerous situations within residence halls. Some of these tips were to be careful when spraying aerosols and other types of sprays. Also to cook responsibly by making sure that all food is attended to while in a microwave, toaster or oven.

Douglas also laid out the disciplinary procedures for failing to follow the rules. The first offense is a $50 fine and the second offense is double that. However, during the first round of inspection, Douglas said that fines would not be assessed, in order to allow the university community to figure out which items are allowed and prohibited within residential housing.

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