PROFhistoric Homecoming: Profs wheel their way to wins at Pushcart Competition

Junior secondary education majors Taylor Kankowski and Grexa, cross the finish line at the pushcart races. -Staff Photo/Jaryd Leady

Rowan University kicked off day two of homecoming week with the Push Cart Competition, taking place in the middle of Rowan Boulevard.

Participants spanned many parts of the university’s organizations like fraternities, sororities and athletes, who all geared up for this exciting event.

The university closed traffic entry ways to Rowan Boulevard where the event was held.

The objective of the Push Cart Competition was to have one student sit in a small foot-powered wooden car, while another partner propelled them down the boulevard. They would then turn around and trade places, pushing them back to the starting line.

“We’re definitely going to have a great time tonight,” said Danielle Tufaro, a junior nursing major at Rowan University.

Tufaro is a sister of the sorority Alpha Sigma Alpha, who teamed up with the school’s women’s rugby team and the Alpha Chi Phi fraternity.

“We’re kicking some butt tonight,” Tufaro said.

Students and athletes were looking forward to nothing more than winning, having a great time and taking their heads out of the books for just a couple hours.

Although Homecoming is the school’s biggest event during the fall semester, Greek Week is generally considering the biggest event at the school during the spring semester. That week, all of Greek Life comes out and participates in similar events for fun and, of course, a couple bragging rights.

“We got a taste of fame in the spring this year,” said Cameron Gayle, a junior and brother of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. “We’re back, and we’re taking it all!”

Despite Gayle’s intense ambition to win, he was most afraid of running down the pavement and his shoes flying off. Gayle’s fraternity was partnered with the women’s equestrian, field hockey and cheerleading teams.

Even the neighboring restaurant was sidetracked from their work, peeping through the windows to enjoy the excitement. Sara Griffin, a 2017 Rowan alumna who works at Chickie’s and Pete’s restaurant on Rowan Boulevard stole a few glances at the race.

“I’m working right here at Chickie’s and Pete’s and I look outside, and man does that look fun,” Griffin said.

She said the excitement reminded her of all of the fun that the school offers and how Rowan really takes care of their fellow profs.

For the rest of our PROFhistoric Homecoming 2017 coverage click here.

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