Yobb: Apple’s most powerful phone yet: iPhone X

Yobb: The iPhone X is the best yet -Photo from Creative Commons

On Nov. 3, Apple came out with their newest iPhone: iPhone X. I was lucky enough to get one on release day so I figured I would review it for people who are on the fence about spending the steep $1,000 price point.

When I took the phone out out of the box, the first things that stood out was its sleek design. I always thought that the iPhone 4 was the nicest designed iPhone but the X definitely takes the crown. Featuring glass on both the from and back and a chrome bezel, the iPhone X’s design blows any other iPhone out of the water. And to the people who are worried about cracking the back or front of the phone— just don’t drop it. The iPhone 4 and 4S both had glass on the front and back and we survived that.

This biggest change is the removal of the home button. I thought that this would be hard to get used to, however Apple nailed it. Getting rid of the home button now allows a screen that covers the whole front of the phone. This is by far the best screen I have seen on an Apple product. Apple started using screens supplied by Samsung, which is why we see the huge increase in price in the iPhone X.

The most impressive feature of the iPhone X is Face ID. I was very skeptical of Face ID when they announced it. I am a big fan of the fingerprint reader that I had on my iPhone 7 and hearing that they were replacing that with a facial recognition feature worried me. I didn’t think that it would be accurate and I thought that it would be annoying to use. To my surprise, Face ID is easily my favorite feature on the iPhone X. Its speed and accuracy is super impressive and I haven’t had any problems with it in situations where I thought I might have had some. Whether I am wearing sunglasses or in the dark, Face ID has worked every time.

Apple knocked it out of the park with the iPhone X and I cannot say enough good things about the phone. With a $999 starting price, it is not the most affordable phone. But I can assure you that it is worth every penny. Using the X and seeing how advanced all of the technology is in the phone and hardware justifies its high price. I would recommend this phone to anyone who is interested in buying one. Once you have it in your hand and see it for yourself you’ll see that after 10 years of iPhones, Apple perfected the phone as we know it.

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