Elections open for student trustee position

The Student Government Association executive board at a meeting on January 23rd, 2018. -Assistant Photo Editor/Miguel Martinez

Elections opened this week for the position of SGA student trustee. The move was necessitated by the fact that current student trustee Rbrey Singleton is presently a junior, and cannot run for another two-year term.

In a post on Facebook, Singleton said the election process open up on Monday, Jan. 29 on Proflink, where applications are taken until Sunday, Feb. 4. After that, a campus-wide election will take place from Feb. 12 through Feb. 16. In the post, Singleton urged anyone interested to contact him for more information.

Speaking to The Whit, Singleton said his time on the board as a student trustee has been fulfilling, and has taught him a lot about the workings of the university.

“Serving as [an] alternate and now student trustee over the past year and a half has been the most meaningful experience in my short career as a student leader,” Singleton said. “I’ve learned a great deal from committee and board meetings, where I’ve learned the intricacies of how decisions are made at the higher levels of our university. I have grown a great deal of appreciation for the work our university administration, President Houshmand and the board do to keep Rowan University running.”

As for the upcoming election, Singleton simply said he is looking forward to seeing the results.

“As a member of the Rowan student body, I’m extremely excited to see who we decide to put our trust in for the next two years.”

Additional reporting by Matt Kass.

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