Jackson: embrace your mental health

- Photo from pixabay.com

Since Oct. 10 was World Mental Health Day, I decided to dedicate my post to Mental Health because I know someone may need it. Today, breathe, take time to love you for who you are and be great. 

I know that this generation has made it very hard to focus on being completely you because nowadays you have to look a certain way, or do certain things to be accepted by people and that alone can tear someone mentally apart, but don’t let it. 

Strive for all the goals you hope to achieve, all the dreams you want to fulfill and do it all with a purpose. Make friends, go see a therapist, hang out with that guy/girl, take a break from that paper and enjoy your life. 

Don’t let yesterdays problems tear you apart because it’s in the past. Live for the future and all the wonderful things to come. 

Remember that you are never alone in this world, you’re not helpless and there is always someone that is there and ready to take you in with open arms. Talk to people, spread love and be kind. 

In this world we only get the opportunity to live once so make it count! Embrace what makes you, you! But always remember although some days are bad, better days are definitely coming.

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