How to De-stress During Finals Week

Lena Cassidy shares her tips for getting through the final week of the semester. - Photo via

I think it’s safe to say that this year has been unbelievably stressful. Between remote learning and trying to juggle a normal lifestyle, there are plenty of things that have added to the anxiousness that this year has brought. While the spring semester is coming to an end next week, we have to overcome the last hurdle of the dreaded 2020-2021 academic year: final exams. 

Finals during a regular school year are stressful enough, and whether your professors are administering an online exam or assigning a final project, deadlines are going to begin piling up during the next week. Here are some ways to help you stay organized and destress while completing your spring semester:

Start writing things down

Keeping track of all of your deadlines and assignments when working online is difficult. Try writing things out. Write out a weekly to-do list, or even just the assignment due dates, to help keep yourself on track and organized. Visualizing what you have to do for the week is a great way to stay on top of your responsibilities.

Create a study group

Online learning has made almost everyone feel disconnected and a bit out of touch at some point this semester. Creating a virtual or socially distanced study group is a great way to prepare yourself for exams, while getting to do so in a relatable, interactive and comfortable environment.

Watch TV or read a book

Taking time for yourself is just as important as taking time for your work. Doing something mindless is a great way to get away from the stress of exams for a little while, and giving yourself a bit of a mental break can really help to improve productivity when you return to your studying.

Get outside and get some fresh air 

With the warmer weather rolling in, a relaxing way to de-stress is simply going outside. Grab a coffee, your favorite magazine or a snack, and go sit outside and soak up the sun. If you’re looking for more active options, go for a short walk or run. Giving yourself a mental and physical break from your study space allows you time to regroup and reassess your workload.

Be kind to yourself

Finals are stressful for everyone. With the blur of multiple online classes, work can easily pile up. Do something nice for yourself this week, whether that means some form of self-care, reading a good book, bingeing a good series or ordering your favorite takeout. Allow yourself time to breathe and decompress. You’ve got this. 

Be kind to yourself and others this week, and give yourself reasons to smile in the midst of the madness.

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